Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Creepy Experience At School And Home

Okay so about a month ago me and my friends played with the Ouija of my friends had been having strange dreams about this demon named "Mr.Freak show". .Now being the kids we are, we love paranormal stuff and it so happens we found a Ouija board in my attic. Now this Mr.freak show from my friends description, he had two horns, red blood skin, dark yellow teeth and wore a red and black dirty checkered shirt and had super long arms and a mangled smile. So we played the Ouija board.

Us: is anyone willing to contact us?
No response.
Us: are there any spirits willing to speak?
Board: (it moved to yes) we got a bit giddy and excited .
Us: What's your name???
Board: M-R-F-R-E-A-K-S-H-O-W

Now this got us all freaked the heck out. My friend took his hand off the planchette due to his hands shaking. I quickly panicked and told him to put then back on but the planchette moved to good bye. We were now all freaked and since no one was at my house we all stayed at my friend, we'll call her Sarah's house. When we were falling asleep I swear I heard someone say "run" so the next day we went to school and all day we heard weird noises. At lunch we did the Charlie charlie thing but stayed inside the class. We did it and it worked but not for long because it just stopped. Now my friend swear he could see something coming up the road, (out the front of our school there's this big road) and we looked but saw nothing. Now skip two months and my friend swore every night he'd here a manical laugh and footsteps.

I don't know what to think. Can anyone help? I was thinking it could be zozo but I really don't know...

1 comment:

  1. Get help asap! Like from a preist or psychic. A psychic will atleast be a start



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