Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Ouija Board I Bought In Salem

Hi, me and my three other friends decided to use a Ouija Board that I bought in Salem, MA.

We contacted a spirit who claims to be a man named Jim Dunkor. He died in the year 1146 at the age of 60. He had a wife named Malary Dunkor who passed at the age of 42. He also had a son named Jared Dunkor who passed at the age of 12. He told us that he loved his wife but he had to kill her. We asked him why, and he said because she cheated. We then we said we were sorry. He then went up to the sun in appreciation.

My friend then drew a heart with her finger on the board and "Jim" went to it. He said he was from "Islam." We asked Jim if he had any contact with his son after he murdered his wife. He said no because she had killed Jared previously. This is when things started to go down hill.

"Jim" started to take over the board as in moving the planchette in figure eights. I stopped it and asked why he was doing this. He responded with the word "Power." We asked what does that mean? He said, "He likes us but he is lonely and stuck in Hell." We then said, "Good-bye" twice and he said, "No" both times.

We moved the planchette ourselves to "Good-bye" and then we disposed of the Ouija Board in the river. Since then we have tried to research Jim, Malary and Jared Dunkor and we have had no luck.

Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.



  1. Interesting. In Islam there are creatures on this earth called "Jinn" who have free will and some like to cause mischief. You can look more into them online.

    1. I am a Muslim and Maybe it was a jinn. Also the best way to get rid of them is to do it a holy way with like the bible or Quran or anything holy.

  2. Maybe all of u must do exorcism to ur friends, hopefully it will help...

  3. It's extremly unlikely that anyone who lived in the 1100's survived to be 60 years old or even 40. Everyone even in the 1800's generally died before the age of 30. I'd say you where dealing with a spirit which enjoyed reaching havok and lyes

    1. No, people easily lived to 60s, the average age was low however because of infant mortality rates and child death rates were high.

    2. Not true. Average age statistics were low back then because of infant and child mortality rates

  4. I want to like speak with Ghost but I don't know how to speak with Ghost any one please suggest me.

    1. Make a homemade board with either paper or cardboard. And get a coin or something for the planchette. If you have more problems, please do not hesitate to use youtube as your guide.

  5. Never done an ouija board before. Sounds fun! But just as a warning, next time the pointer starts moving in figure eights, IMMEDIATELY move it to good-bye and tear the board into seven peices. THIS IS ESSENTIALL FOR BREAKING CONTACT WITH THE SPIRITUAL REALM. If you this but still expeiriance paranormal activity, call a preist to bless you, your house, or both if you like. Now remember: I have never done this before. I picked up these warnings online. Be careful and may the Lord light your path, always!

  6. Figure 8s are usually used by demons to make a portal and come from hell to convert people's houses

  7. well to be honest that just happens to be a spirit that lies.. some spirits lie to get there way true.. but if it is the spirit is talking the truth then it isn't from this centry..

  8. What people are communicating with when they use Ouija are Demons posing as ghost.
    The bible referres to them as familiar spirits or demons and warns us against communicating with them .

  9. True brother Kip. ONLY way to smash those demons power is Jesus name. Jesus WON @ the cross. Remember, Jesus is ALL power, demons have limited power, no matter what demon it is. Praise Jesus.

  10. No matter what I do, I can't get a response from anyone. I have a real ouija board that I bought, and also one I made. I tried it in a cemetery next to an extremely haunted building and it still didn't work. What am I doing wrong? I went to a paranormal investigation and the pictures were showing I had spirits following me but I can't manage to contact any.



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