Alright, it's a long story, so get some popcorn if you fancy. I've been living in this apartment for a year now. Some time after I moved, I found a mirror inside my closet, it was a full body mirror so I decided to keep it and put it on my room's wall. It seemed ordinary until recently, a couple of months ago, I was staring at the mirror at night, the lights were off, and I thought I saw something strange, so I approached, and I started seeing weird things, for example I would see myself having black holes for eyes and mouth, type of holes that kind of absorb everything including light, and also smiling, I would also see some demon, and etc. I ignored it though.
One day, me and my friend decided to visit this big oratory in our city, and in the former house of a monk there was this locked room in which my friend felt there was a bad presence, she walked away, when I was alone I was able to open the door, I was too scared to go in, when I called my friend to come with me, I couldn't open the door anymore. I think that same day we used a Ouija board, we contacted a spirit named Amun Frast, he said he wanted to talk again some day. We tried to contact him again afterwards, he was talking about some stuff that he couldn't do while he was alive, something important about helping the world, but he was murdered. This seemed weird to me since I also want to do something to help out the world at some point in my life.
In other Ouija séances we seem to contact anonymous spirits that only spell nonsense. When we tried to contact Frast again he seemed to have changed personality and he seemed to know too much about me, I believe it wasn't him, but the spirit left and later another one came, claiming to be Frast, which he probably was since he acted more like it and simply wanted to talk, he said again he wanted to talk later about something important, he gave us a date, this was at my friend's house. A weird thing that happens with the Ouija board is that the jewel we use to point out the letters sometimes places itself on one of the eyes of the medium drawn on the board, other times it goes to the moon, other times, usually when there's a bad presence it goes out of the board to point at stuff.
Anyways, later on, we had another séance, that date, to talk to Frast, this time at my place. It didn't act like Frast, we told it to tell us who it was, it insisted on being Frast, we insisted it was a lie, it said it was Satan, then it didn't really respond, it tried to open portals (aka. making 8 or 0-shaped movements) we didn't let it, it also tried to go to bye but we held the jewel firmly, then it was moving towards my mirror, we didn't let it once again, I turned the mirror so that it would be facing the floor, then the spirit said it was in the room, and that it was inside my friend, I thought to myself "yeah sure" so I stomped the mirror with my foot and my friend said she felt a stinging in her stomach when I did, the pointer insisted on heading towards the mirror, so we put the board on top of the mirror, but didn't let the jewel touch it(the mirror). Then it started doing weird movements, it looked like he was opening another portal. Afterwards, we heard an unusually evil child laugh, it came from somewhere in the room, then the board spelled some things that I can't recall and said bye.
I tried to contact Frast by myself later that night, but I didn't get anything, although, when I turned the board to one side I saw a flash of light for a fraction of second, if I turned it to the other direction I'd see a flash of darkness for an even shorter time than the light one, I sometimes see those flashes at random moments ever since, not often though. Me and my friend haven't had any other séances, but she says she sees some weird stuff at her place from time to time. I was wondering what should I do next?
I still have the mirror, I'm not getting rid of it since I believe there's more to it, I really want to find out what this is all about, but I don't know how. Btw, if you think my friend's the one moving the jewel because the spirit knows a lot about me, she's not, the spirit has said a couple of things I haven't told her, her fingers barely touch the jewel, and sometimes it even rotates, the board has also rotated a little by itself once, we weren't touching it, we were inside the house and it was not a windy day. Any kind of help appreciated.
Sent in by Lenny, Copyright 2010
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Monday, December 13, 2010
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Hi Lenny, I just want to say that you should break the the mirror throw it away or burn it. Does your friend have any other sort of mirror that she sees weird stuff in?
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a very good mirror. You should keep it and place it infront of you on your next ouija session. Ask whatever your talking to what the significance of the mirror is. Maybe that spirit or whatever can show itself to you in the mirror and you can take pictures. Sounds like an interesting mirror. Will you be doing anymore sessions?/
ReplyDeleteYour never supposed to ask a demon/spirit to show itself.
DeleteGet on the Ouija board and I'm sure Frast will contact you. He was my husband. The mirror itself was first designed to show oneself as what one dreams of (The Mirror of Enlightenment). That mirror is very valuable. $10,000 at the least.
ReplyDeletePlease talk to Frast, and tell him Cindy loves him. I would love to hear from you, and I'm sure you have more questions. E-mail me at .
Come on haunted mirrors doesn't exists!
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ReplyDeleteThe mirrors are not haunted.. The can be used as gates for spirits.
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ReplyDeleteDo whatever you can if it is the devil put the Ouija board I a box or iron and put sea salt in it and paint crosses on it then dig a hole really deep an bury it in it dont pass it on lock the mirror away if it's a portal to the gates of oblivion and put sea salt surrounding it and make your friend get cleansed and you too of course also both of you pray for protection and wear a blessed cross if all fails go to a priest and have him help you face your demon
ReplyDeleteGood advice! Also get both of your house cleased and mark your front doors/windows etc.
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ReplyDeleteI am still not answered by the spirits. I have tried many times to contact the spirits with many different ouija boards. Home made ones and bought some. My friend tells me I should stop trying and saying im lucky im not being bothered. Why must they be silent to me??
ReplyDeletesome people are not sensitive to the spirit realm . if you truly want to experience it,(which i do not reccomend,somethings are better left unknown.) find a medium. if you ask me something is protecting you hardcore for you to never make a connection. something on the other side either knows youre curious and wants to take advantage and something or someone is protecting you from making that connection or you arent as open to connections as you think. my advice is to not tamper with the unknown. you are not experienced . many things can go wrong. i dont care what people say, "if you follow the rules of the ouija you cant get haunted,nothing will happen." if the spirit is strong enough it wont play by the rules. listen to your friend. please!
DeleteFast problem didn't go through because he probably at your friends house not at your if u feel like checking if I was correct that he at u r friend house?