Monday, May 26, 2014

First Ouija Board Experience

I have always been interested in using an Ouija board. I bought one from Toys R Us and it sat in my closet for months because no one wanted to try it with me. I have a close friend that has used an Ouija board before and he told me to bring it over.

We lit a few candles and began talking to the board. We asked it a couple of questions and got incomplete answers. My friend told me to clear my head and focus. He told me to ask the board a question that only I would know the answer to. I asked the board what the name of my German Shepard was I had as a kid. (I had only known my friend for about a year at the time and our previous pets were something we just never talked about.) The board spelled out the name Greta. That was the name of the dog, the correct answer to my question.

I stood up and looked at my buddy. He could tell I was surprised. I asked him if he did that, but clearly he had no idea the answer to my question. We used the board a bit longer asking silly questions and laughing at the answers.

I have told others this story and they kind of laugh and act like I'm making it up. I'm not. I've heard terrible Ouija board stories, and am glad nothing like that has happened to me.

Be careful and don't ask the board questions you don't want to know the answer to!

Seth Patterson



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