Saturday, August 9, 2014

ZOZO Lied To Me And I Need Help!

Around a month ago I was with some friends, they wanted to play the Ouija board I was to scared so I just watched them play. Nothing really happened but it made me want to play really badly!

So a couple days later my friend and I made a Ouija board out of paper, we talked to a couple people but one of them tolled us when my boyfriend would dump me and it happened! That night a couple of my friends and I played the Ouija board again and it spelled out "ZOZO" and tolled us some of our family members were going to die at the end of the night. When we checked on them they were completely fine. After this I played the Ouija board almost everyday and every time I would get a demon called "ZOZO" so my friend would do it for me so we didn't get him every time.

One day we were playing and my friend had to leave so I played it by myself which isn't a very good idea. Her name was Abby and I talked to her for hours and I would keep playing by myself and it would always be her and she told me she was a good spirit I believe everything she told me. One day I played the Ouija board by myself in my house but, I forgot to say goodbye. I let her into my house by accident. Later we were talking and I told her she lied to me and she kept lying. That's when I realized I wasn't talking to Abby, it was Zozo the whole time and I let him into my house.

No matter how much I didn't want to play, I kept playing the Ouija board everyday! He kept telling me things I did not want to do, he made me hate people, turn against them, he made me depressed and tons of other things! The only way he could was using my ex-boyfriend (that I still loved) to get to me it was the only way he could hurt me and the same thing happened everyday. I got tons of scratches and welts from him. We talked so much we almost became friends... and this is really weird but we were listening to music together...and he would tell me what song he liked and what he didn't like and I played this one song (that was made six years ago) and he told me that he has heard it before and that he loved it! But I knew "Zozo" has been around longer then six years and I found out that he is not Zozo he is a different demon he will not tell me his name.

A different time he made me upset and I ripped up the Ouija board and taped it back together and it made him very mad! I have been under demonic attack for a while now but it keeps getting worst I now do not need to use the Ouija board I can talk to him in my mind he never leaves hes with me 24 7 and I talk to him all the time I don't really have a choice he can move my body if he wants he can taste and smell and if he cries I do as well, he makes me depressed, mean, I'm a different person now. He all does it by using my ex-boyfriend. I know how to get rid of him but for some reason I cant do it! It keeps getting worse and I cant tell people about.

I need some advice before it gets really bad? If any one knows how to help me?



  1. Hello there!
    You did some big mistakes. I hope that you are aware of that.
    The best way is to destroy the board. But it is the best if you let it be destroyed by someone who is professional. Usually priest.
    But before you find someone who can help you try to use your mind. Tell yourself that he doesn't have any control of you and that he doesn't exist.
    I hope that I helped you.
    Best of the luck.

    1. im sorry but you shall never destroy a bord keep the board ans the planchette divided and pray god and after praying god never start again

  2. Pray to god. Ask him to forgive you of your sins and to save your soul!

  3. I would burn sage around your house then sit in the bathroom and hotbox it with sage and a bible and definitely someone to watch and make sure things go smoothly

  4. call on jesus' name and pray to god. demons and demonic spirits cringe on hearing his name itself. it doesn't hurt to read the bible too, not only to rid that demonic force but for your own spiritual well being..

  5. I grew up being tormented by demons my whole life up until last year ( Im 16 years old now) I found that commanding them to leave in Jesus's name makes them leave.

  6. Doing that was most effective but sometimes you have to yell it a few times, sometimes you'll find if the demonic influence is strong enough that you can't speak your mouth can't open or won't form words correctly, if this happens then keep trying harder and harder you will eventually say it and when you do, do it over and over then after play worship music so it doesn't come back soon. This has worked for me every time. My Facebook is Beca Aldana and the icon is of me in a blue bandana with a dog feel free to ask for advice or just talk since I know what you're Going through :)

  7. Replies
    1. Lol. Thank God you pointed that out. The narrator's spelling was bothering me lol. I was gonna correct it but thank goodness I see your comment.

    2. Yikes! Sounds more like possession than anything. I really believe you need an exorcism. And you have to want it gone for it to work!

    3. i got your back when u are scarred know u are loved God doesnt hate you,the mystery of it all is he loves you

  8. Going to curch (or other religious building) wouldn't be bad. If you want to talk you can add me on Facebook. Name's Matjaz Vuherer.

  9. You need a professional exorcist because once an evil spirit possesses your body, they don't want to leave.

  10. You need to seek professional help asap. Im afraid for you after reading this. Read the bible, get to church, and surround yourself with positiveness and love. Pray and tell the demon that you dont wish it to be in your presence in the name of Jesus Christ. I have fb u can add me. CANDICE PORTER. Ive dealt with spirits since I was 3. Im 31 now and feel like I was sensitive to things. Had good and bad experiences. Please never use that board ever again

  11. you need to close the door you opened and never you that borad again

  12. I've heard of a sure fire way to get rid of this. A friend told me to recite a passage from the Quran, or listen to it out loud, called the verse of Al-Kursi (verse number 255 of Surat Al-Baqarah), of the Quran. Give it a try. My friend swore that it worked for them, and at this point, it wouldn't hurt. Appearently, evil spirits hate that verse, and will leave if you say it and keep saying it, or listening to it out loud.

  13. Find spiritualist. Learn to ground center and shield peace. I was same the spirit tryed to strangle me never meditate. Or do chakra work peace

  14. Do you guys know one thing..... We are the devil in us.... there is no devil outside.... there is good and bad in us... lets enjoy that emotion and pain... then only life exists....

  15. You need to pray to saint Michael the ark angel wear a scapular pray the rosary go to church and speak with a priest, this is serious you have to ask god to forgive you of your sins and cast the demon back to hell. I wish you the best of luck god bless

    1. The Michael Invocation -

  16. did any of this work..... do u still have that evil spirit in ur life

    1. ...Maybe she isn't responding cause she died..not to be negative but it is a possibility.....

  17. you are in deep deep trouble you need to pray asap and remove the demon with help from a priest or an excorcist immediately as i feel for you, i was once possessed and it cost me all my friends and personal well being. this is a problem that needs sorting asap, surround yourself with bibles and holy water until you can overcome the demon and burn the board

  18. You need to read A surah of the holy Quran "surah- naas" it is revealed for get rid of bad spirites. It will help you for sure.

  19. If this conflicts with other posts, sorry but those it conflicts with are wrong:

    You can see a religious leader and ask them for help, religious leaders, contrary to popular belief can have influence in spirit matters, you could pray to archangel Michael, ask him to lift this from you, you could see a medium but whatever you do, don't attempt to rid this alone, it won't work!

    You have to trust the person you are with when you attempt this, remember evil comes by invitation alone, your friend will not be inviting but helping you to banish! Burning sage and using salt around the home are good ideas against negative stuff, sage is done to clear and salt is disliked by evil spirits.

    The ouija board has to go, don't burn it, however tempting.

  20. How did you play alone, my dad played when he was a kid and he tried to play alone once and the thing flew off the board, but that might just be his experience but I recommend to pray or talk to a pries

  21. call out to jesus. i was attacked by a demon and when i called out to jesus it got really angry and started mocking me and jesus. i called out again and it disappeared and for months i haven't been bothered. just say his name, or say, "in the name of jesus i rebuke you. go back into the dark abyss, in jesus name!!" i'm sure it will work. demons cringe and hate His name. they flee.

  22. Jesus is the truth the way and the life, nody comes to the father but through Him. I have been attacked by a demon. I have been choked out by this evil shadowy figure that was faceless. it left after I yelled "in the name of jesus Christ leave!" Jesus has given authority to His followers over demons. they have no right to mess with you. I am no longer fearful of them and they make me laugh because I know that the Holy spirit lives inside me. you donot have to pray to any other name but Jesus. the son of God. the one who was and is to come. I know many other mighty men of God who have had demons try and mess with them. they are trespassers and are not allowed to mess with you. I do know that you have talked and become almost one with this demon. yes he is powerful. no person without the authority of Christ can make them leave. Jesus casted out demons and they are fearful of His name alone! demons know Jesus but even if you try to cast them out without fully believing in Jesus himself...they will laugh at you and torment you even more. there is power in the name alone but fear is what these demons feed off of. I urge you to contact me on facebook. my email is do not waste time!

    1. good for you! finally some talking about god's love and his power! "in the name of Jesus Christ leave!" that is what you say to a demon from hell! Jesus gave this challenge some that you may over come it. May god be with you and help you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Congratulations op you have been selected for hosting and expect to be dragged out of bed in the middle of the night by ur feet shortly afterwards you probs be Kidnapped by a covan and taken to the middle of no where. Please see paranormal activity movies as 1,2,3 and the marked ones for more info, maybe next time you wont mess with stuff you dont understand and more stop communicating and makining friends w/ ''demons''. Get out more and meet a new guy or stop talking bull shit for attention. Kids and their movies lol.

    1. Don't bother replying if you're here to bash on people's experiences. They share it for a reason and not to be replied by people like you. :)

  24. Firstly, have faith in God. Not Jesus, not Mary. Nothing but god, believe that he is all powerful and most powerful. Pray to him, ask for forgiveness, ask for him to make make the demon leave. Belirvr amd have conviction in what you are asking for.

    Next, believe that you are strong. Stronger than any demon. Always surround yoirself with what is good. Good people, good smells amd positive thoughts. Stop using ouija board. If possible drink perfumed water.

    But make sure that you pray directly to god.

  25. I have dealt with a demonic force my step sis was possessed .... I had to preform the exorcisms I highly recommend that you cut (or rip) the board into 7 pieces dig a hole as far away from your house that you can and dig it about 3 feet deep sprinkle salt in to the hole and put the board pieces in it then sprinkle more salt back the dirt into the hole as tight as you can (if you need to or feel like it burry a cross or some sage with it too ) after that get the planchette wrap it in black silk and sprinkle salt in with it do the same as you did with the board but don't cut it up or burry it near the board after you bury these items say a prayer over them then go home and sprinkle salt in every door way of your house and smudge your entire house say a prayer and read the bible if the entity will not let you SCREAM the lords name in your head you will gain control and you in the end with the lords help well defeat this evil

  26. After reading several comments about how to get rid of the board. Going to a religious institution can be helpful but also you may need smudge your home specifically in the area where you had made your first contact. Zozo has a long long history with people and knows who to prey on. I would suggest you to get healing crystals, salt and sage to smudge your home. Hope this will help you

  27. Listen, you are beyond sage.. You need to really want it gone because it is not your friend, it wants your soul! Find an exorcist asap, pray for forgiveness, God bless and good luck

  28. Ouija board is not a toy, it opens a portal to astral plane where demons, ghosts, elemetals live. To use you have to do preparations, read the book of Aleiter Crowley, to banish any entity if you are right hand path call Archangel Michael, if you are left hand path call Haures or Orobas from goetia.

  29. You are under oppression, you need to read the Bible and call a priest to cleanse your house and you, if you aren't baptized get baptized asap it will show the demon what you believe in and that you are a women of god, wear a cross necklace and bring a bible wherever you go as much as you can, do this until you don't feel zozo's presence

  30. Dear friend I am a demon Hunter and I came acroos this.
    So you're being hunted be zozo
    One true way is go to a church surrender you're life to Jesus Christ be baptized then take the board submerged it in salt poor holy oil over it and burn it. No a lot of people will say don't do this but in my defences it dose work. But only if you truly give you're self to Jesus and fallow in the light because not even the darkness can comprehend the light

  31. Hello friend . In this world thier are levels zozo is a very powerful demon. I tangled with him and his friends before . Be warned if you do not have the right in you, you already lost the war!. But take it from me. Surrender everything to Jesus Christ get baptized and then take salt and holy oil pray to Father ( God) and burn the board in this world thier are many so called ranks of angels thus same with demons the higher you go the more powerful and more harder to get rid of so called demons. I've been picked up tossed cut choked nearly died pushing them back to the abyss back to hell were the belong. Good luck my friend and my prayers go out to you


  32. OH..I almost forgot. Once you know a demons name you have power dominion over it and if it will not tell you tell IN THE NAMEOF ALL THE SAINTS AND IF ALL THE ANGELS OF HEAVEN I DEMAND YOU'RE NAME , but 9/10 times if the still refusesit is non other than Lucifer him self this is his name the Prince of lies the first fallen angel

  33. I clicked off at the beginning when she exclaimed he had told her that her boyfriend would "dump" her, to my understanding and knowledge, Zozo is not immature (only at certain times when he is playing around with you), he is one of the most powerful demons without a doubt. He would not be saying that her boyfriend will "dump" her.

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  35. You should never EVER play by yourself and better yet you shouldn't have played at all I think that feeling that made you want to play was the ghost trying to trick you. BUT YOU SHOUD BURN THE BOARD IF THAT DOESNT WORK PRAY IF THAT DOESNT WORK YOU SHOULD GET A PRIEST TO BLESS YOU AND YOUR HOME.

  36. You also need to ask god for help and beg for forgiveness tell him your sorry and that you know what you did was wrong but you don't deserve to suffer this much pain. And if he forgives you he will help the best he can.

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