Monday, May 25, 2015

Ouija Board Nightmare

My mother bought a Ouija board a few months ago. We are both into ghost hunting nights and we thought we'd try it in our own home. When it arrived we used it and when we called out the glass moved about an inch but that was it. We said goodbye and tucked the board away behind the cabinet.

Last night my mother and step father went for a night away and left me responsible for my two dogs. I got bored and decided to use the board. I called out but nothing happened so I said goodbye and had a cigarette.

Shortly after this, the TV turned off and I heard banging noises coming from downstairs while I was upstairs. I was terrified and the so were the dogs. My dog came and sat on my lap and wouldn't move no matter how much I pushed her.

When I went to sleep, I had a dream that the board spoke to me spelling out 'hyrath' and then going to random letters. I was conscious and felt like I was falling from the bed. I felt that I was trying to wake myself up but couldn't and when I did I could barely lift my eyelids open.

I still have the board. What should I do next?



  1. Get rid of of the board and maybe have a priest come to your house

    1. You should have told your mom to return it

  2. Burn the board and put it out with holy water

    1. NEVER BURN THE BOARD! It will make things worse!! Break it into 7 pieces, and bury them separately. Sprinkle sea salt and holy water.

      Yours truly,
      Sam and Dean

    2. Hahaha I love it!

  3. Burn the board! If it doesn`t help, find the priest.

  4. Burn down the house

    1. This comment is hilarious

    2. Lol ...actually, no it's not. Some people might actually take that seriously. -_-

      (Still made me laugh tho)

  5. Personally is feel you should burn the board. You have just entered a realm of demons. You must have been trippin to touch the board. You're tumbling honey. Good luck 😊

  6. burn the board yah bloon

  7. don't burn the board. you will make the spirit more angry. and don't call a priest, it's as if you were burning the board. Just get rid of it, sell it out or give it away.

    1. If you get rid of it, the spirit and bridge have to burn the board...of course it will make him angry, you are ruining his presence here!!! :) by burning it you close the bridge...and priest can take care of the demon...if he`s real priest

    2. I have never used an Ouija Board but was bothered by a demon called Asmodious for a while.
      I got chronic fatigue and had to see a psychologist.

      Anyway I was told in a dream about a green light the name of the demon and went to see what is called a "light worker"
      You might find them in your community.
      But you must find one you can trust. They will perform a healing and protective mantra and call the angels to guide you and protect you.

      This is %100 truth. I am almost a veteran at fighting this stuff.

  8. God alone can help you, trust me I know people personally, jesuschrist is your only help

  9. You should prey and let the angels surround the house

  10. Burn the board, put the fire out with holy water, have a priest come to the house.

  11. Holy shit don't burn it! THAT IS NOT THE WAY TO DISPOSE OF A OUIJA BOARD

    Ouija boards that are disposed of improperly, come back to haunt the owner.A Ouija Board will scream if you try to burn it. People who hear the scream have less than thirty-six hours to live.

    There is only one proper way to dispose of it: break the board into seven pieces, sprinkle it with Holy Water then bury it.

  12. I personally don't know but what ever you do don't burn it PLEASE DON'T!!!

  13. Bury the board UPSIDE DOWN! NEVER dig it up after that. DO NOT BURN IT!

    1. Looks like you are sensitive / receptive. Honestly, by playing with the board, you have opened yourself to something wonderful. It's scary at first, but soon you will be able to have 'out of body' experiences and lucid dreams. Look it up. A bit of friendly advice though, stop spooking yourself out with the board and focus on meditation and becoming in tune with your environment. Don't burn the board, it costs money. Just stash it n the closet where it belongs. Jeez.

  14. Sounds dumb, but break it into 7 pieces, soak in holy water, dig some holes in 7 different places, cover with salt and bury it.

  15. Pray to god and he will save you

  16. DO NOT BURN THAT BOARD!!! When you burn the board you are letting the spirit losse and it wont stop feeding off of your fear so DO NOT burn that board rip it into 3-7 peices bury seperatly spray holy water salt sage and put a cross with each peice if it starts to harm you

  17. Do not burn the board anyone who says so has nit done proper reserch on spirits or ouija board im native american on my dad side an my mom boyfriend sister is wicca plus iv been in this stuff since I was a kid u brak the board inti seven pieces pour holy water on it them bury it if u burnin it u will here the board scream most say plus ull let what Evers traped in the board out an with out the orignal board u can't close the door

  18. I have an incredibly high tolerance for supernatural horror but you guys are even scaring ME. Those boards are not a joke. Please pray to God, He is the only solution



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